Best Study Methods

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In order to perform well in tests and exams, you need to:

  • have study material
  • know how to study!

This is where we come in…

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  • We do online lessons…
  • We explain how to study

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Today’s tip for making notes:

Use Colours!

Use colours! Colours can even affect blood pressure as well as heart rhythm. They can alter breathing, brain activity and biorhythms. Plus they increase attention spans, which in turn benefits learning.

“In 1976, Rikard Kuller demonstrated that colors and visual patterns affect not only the outer layer of the brain, but the entire central nervous system as well. He also demonstrated that colors alter the alpha brain wave activity that is used to measure the degree of mental wakefulness in humans in the medical field. Additionally, when color is relayed to the brain by the eye, the brain releases a hormone that affects our emotions, energy levels and mental clarity.”

So, when you make notes, purposefully make use of colours. For example, maybe highlight key words and write headings in different colours. And colour-code different topics.

The importance of paying attention in class cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts a student’s ability to learn, retain information, and ultimately succeed academically. Click here for relevant statistics and key points highlighting the significance of paying attention in class.

Read the following article if you want to find out why working fast can be beneficial to you.

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